You are currently viewing Best health and fitness tracker app for iPhone

In recent years, the popularity of health and fitness tracker apps for iPhone has seen a remarkable upswing. These applications have become indispensable companions for iPhone users striving to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. With a multitude of options available in the market, choosing the most suitable fitness tracker app for iPhone can indeed be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll delve into some of the finest health tracker apps for iPhone, highlighting why 37CELLS stands out as an exceptional fitness tracker app for iPhone.

Can I use my iPhone as a fitness tracker? Absolutely! iPhones have evolved into versatile fitness tools, thanks to the availability of various fitness tracker apps and built-in functionalities.

Among the myriad choices, Apple Watch, a flagship product from Apple Inc., reigns supreme as a comprehensive fitness tracker app for iPhone. It offers a wealth of features, encompassing heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, and workout tracking. Moreover, it comes equipped with an ECG app capable of detecting irregular heartbeats, delivering valuable insights into one’s cardiovascular health. While Apple Watch undoubtedly stands as a top-tier fitness tracker app for iPhone, its premium price tag may not align with everyone’s budget.

Is the Fitness app on iPhone free? The Fitness app on iPhone typically comes pre-installed and is part of the Apple ecosystem. Users can access various features without additional charges, making it a cost-effective option for those looking for basic fitness tracking functionalities.

Fitbit, another renowned name in the world of health and fitness trackers, offers seamless compatibility with iPhones. Its feature-rich offerings include heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and exercise tracking, making it a compelling fitness tracker app for iPhone users. The Fitbit ecosystem further fosters a vibrant community of users, enabling connections with friends for added motivation. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that some users have reported concerns regarding the accuracy of its heart rate monitoring.

What app do I use for my fitness tracker? When it comes to choosing a fitness tracker app for iPhone, there are several options available, each catering to different needs and preferences. Some popular choices include Apple’s built-in Fitness app, the Apple Watch, and third-party apps like Fitbit and, notably, 37CELLS, which offers a unique set of features and is compatible with both Android and iPhone devices. These apps cater to a wide range of users, ensuring that you can find the ideal fitness tracker app that aligns with your specific goals and budget. In this landscape of prominent players, 37CELLS emerges as a standout choice for a fitness tracker app for iPhone. This free app is compatible with both Android and iPhone devices and offers a diverse array of features, covering activity tracking, heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and nutrition tracking. What sets 37CELLS apart is its unique ability to compare your performance with other users in your age and gender group, enhancing motivation and competition within the fitness tracker app for iPhone users.

Furthermore, 37CELLS boasts a remarkable feature allowing users to overlay their training data on a photo, creating a shareable visual representation of their progress. Sharing this with friends and fellow fitness enthusiasts can serve as a potent source of motivation and encouragement, adding to the appeal of this fitness tracker app for iPhone.

So, why should you consider 37CELLS as your fitness tracker app for iPhone over other alternatives? It secures a prominent spot on the list of best health apps for iPhone, and for several compelling reasons. Firstly, it’s accessible to anyone with an iPhone, and it’s entirely free, making it an inclusive choice for users with varying budgets. Moreover, it matches pricier alternatives with its comprehensive tracking features, ensuring that you don’t miss out on essential health insights.

The standout feature, however, is the ability to compare your performance with peers in your age and gender group, enhancing its appeal as a fitness tracker app for iPhone. This unique aspect can be a powerful motivator, propelling you closer to your health and fitness goals.

Whether you’re a novice just embarking on your fitness journey or an experienced enthusiast looking to fine-tune your regimen, 37CELLS serves as a valuable fitness tracker app for iPhone, guiding you towards a healthier and more active lifestyle. In a crowded field of health and fitness trackers, 37CELLS distinguishes itself with its comprehensive tracking features and the compelling ability to measure your progress against peers, making it a standout fitness tracker app for iPhone.


By using health and fitness tracker apps on your iPhone, you can enhance your ability to track, manage, and improve your health and fitness levels. These apps provide valuable tools, guidance, and insights to support your goals and promote a healthier lifestyle.

While a fitness app on your iPhone can provide you with a wide range of workouts, tracking features, and guidance, it is important to note that it may not completely replace a gym membership for everyone. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Equipment and Facilities: Fitness apps can offer bodyweight exercises and workouts that require minimal or no equipment. However, a gym membership may be necessary if you have specific fitness goals requiring access to specialized equipment, such as heavy weights or cardio machines.
  2. Social Interaction and Motivation: For some individuals, the social environment of a gym, group fitness classes, or working out with friends can be motivating and enjoyable. Fitness apps, while providing guidance, may not provide the same level of interaction and camaraderie.
  3. Personalized Instruction: If you are new to exercise or have specific requirements due to injury or medical conditions, working with a certified personal trainer at a gym can provide personalized instruction and guidance tailored to your needs. Fitness apps can offer general guidance but may not provide the same level of individualized attention.
  4. Variety and Progression: Gyms often provide a wide range of equipment, classes, and activities that can help add variety to your workouts and prevent boredom. Additionally, many gyms have trainers who can help you progress your workouts as you get stronger and fitter.

That being said, fitness apps for iPhones can still be an excellent complement or alternative to a gym membership for many people. They provide convenience, flexibility, and cost savings. Ultimately, the decision to replace a gym membership with a fitness app depends on your personal preferences, fitness goals, access to equipment, and the level of guidance and support you require.

Using a fitness app on an iPhone can vary depending on the specific app you have installed. However, here are some general steps to help you get started with a fitness app:

Download and Install: Visit the App Store on your iPhone and search for the fitness app you want to use. Tap on the app’s icon and follow the prompts to download and install it on your device.

Create an Account: Launch the app and create an account if required. This typically involves providing an email address, setting a password, and agreeing to the app’s terms and conditions.

Set Up Your Profile: After creating an account, you may be prompted to set up your profile. This typically includes entering your personal information such as age, gender, height, weight, and fitness goals.

Explore the App: Once your profile is set up, take some time to explore the different features and sections of the app.

Track Your Activities: Many fitness apps allow you to track your activities, such as steps, distance, calories burned, and workouts.

Remember, the specific steps may vary depending on the app you are using. It’s always a good idea to refer to the app’s documentation or user guides for detailed instructions specific to that app.